What Chiropractic Research Shows
Chiropractic care uses non-invasive, patient-centered treatment techniques to address common health complaints like pain. While seeing a chiropractor may bring numerous health benefits for the patients, many people are in doubt about these methods. This is simply because it’s different from the conventional treatment models of Western medicine.
According to scientific research, non-invasive treatment options can be effective and help you feel your best when it comes to common complaints like pain.
What About Pain Management
Since pain is the number one reason for chiropractic consultations, let’s see first what research says about pain management. Here are a few positive results:
- In a study, researchers reviewed the association of chiropractic treatment with opioid use. The results showed that regular chiropractic care for low back pain can decrease early and long-term opioid use by about 90%.
- According to a recommendation published by the American College of Physicians, getting non-pharmacological treatment for low back pain is advised before seeking other, more invasive options. These non-pharmacological treatments include chiropractic care, particularly spinal manipulation.
- Spine adjustments are shown to be effective in addressing common pain-related health issues, such as headaches, neck pain, and back pain (cited by Mayo Clinic).
- The results of a study conducted on 18-35 year old patients with acute low back pain show that chiropractic manipulation is more effective than standard care regarding pain relief and physical mobility.
Can Chiropractors Reduce the Necessity for Other Interventions?
Many people would like to try chiropractic care because they have heard that it may help reduce the necessity for other expensive and very often more painful, invasive interventions. While the answer depends on many factors, it may help to check out some studies on this subject.
- According to the promising results of a study, it’s possible to decrease the necessity for spine surgery in the case of a back injury by consulting a chiropractor before going to see a surgeon. (See the details of the study in Spine 2012.)
- A study published in Spine 2015 demonstrates that chiropractic care, particularly thrust manipulation of the spine, can bring greater results than Western medicine for patients who are suffering from low back pain. In fact, patients reported disability fewer times when being treated by a chiropractor.
- Patients reported a 20-40% decline in expenditure when they saw a chiropractor instead of a medical doctor for low back pain. (See the detailed study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2010.)
Chiropractic Care May Be the Perfect Choice
As the literature shows, chiropractic care may be the perfect choice for you in many cases, especially if you are suffering from pain. Chiropractors can help you restore your optimal spine alignment to relieve your pain and help your body to heal itself. In the end, it can mean less downtime and a better quality of life for you!
All you need to do is to find a chiropractor in your area who can help you achieve all your health goals. In London, England, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Luc Archambault at Spineworks Chiropractic. Dr. Archambault is specialized in a first-class, research-based protocol called Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP). Thus, you can be assured that he is properly qualified to provide the best care possible for you.