Sports Injuries

Many world class athletes and teams have turned to sports chiropractors to provide care and to optimize their performance.

Tiger Woods, Joe Montana, Nolan Ryan, Muhammad Ali, Lance Armstrong and Carl Lewis have all utilized chiropractic care to maintain their bodies and improve their form throughout their careers

Many amateur and professional athletes are sidelined with injuries that could be avoided. Others sit it out on the bench because their injury does not respond to ordinary treatment. Still others are playing, but at less than peak efficiency, simply because their structural system is not in balance.

Sports Injury Expert in London

Let’s see of we can help you? Contact us today for an appointment.

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We have helped some patients find relief from these symtoms:

• Headaches + Migraines
• Back Pain
• Neck Pain
• Sciatica
• Scoliosis

• Tendinopathy
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Numbness / Pins + Needles
• Postural Deformities
• Joint Pain

• Frozen Shoulder
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Shoulder Pain
• Disc Injury

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SpineWorks Chiropractic

236 Kennington Park Road
Kennington, London, UK SE11 4DA